14-15 mei EMAS School “living with and beyond cancer”
On behalf of the European Menopause and Andropause Society we would like to inform you that EMAS will conduct an educational live Virtual meeting from 14-15 May 2020: “Living with and beyond cancer”.
Our next EMAS school will focus on the specific profile of women who suffer or have survived cancer.
Cancer remains a highly prevalent disease, affecting women of all ages. In addition, and as treatments are becoming more effective, the community of cancer survivors is increasing at a high rate. This is the reason why the specificities imposed by the disease represent a frequent problem for the clinician. Greater susceptibility to different types of chronic diseases, the risk of recurrence of the same or other types of cancer, the devastating impact that the disease can have both in the physical and psychological domain, the limitations that the use of hormones may experience in some types of tumors, etc. These are issues which require updating in health professionals.
At EMAS we are convinced that the needs of this large group of women require specific and urgent attention. EMAS schools represent the educational tool that can meet the requirements of health professionals, who must provide answers to that question in their usual practices.
The new ICT technology offers enormous power to provide educational resources worldwide. This EMAS school represents a commitment of our society to the use of new Internet-based technology to support learning. Our innovative didactic strategy will increase interaction, interest, and an easier way to gain insight.
You may check directly our website at: https://virtualmeeting.emas-online.org/. We expect around 300 – 400 online delegates.
We would offer you a 50 % discount on the registration fee for corporate sponsors with min 10 registrations
Non-member Registration EUR 80 – with the rebate EUR 40
Member Registration EUR 65 – with the rebate EUR 32,50
Training/Student/Fellow/Nurse Registration EUR 50 – with the rebate EUR 25
Please use the discount code EMAS50VIRTUAL while registering (code valid until 1 May 2020).
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