EMAS annual meeting Berlin – komt allen naar de Dutch Session!

15-05-2019 t/m 17-05-2019 
Ook dit jaar heeft de DMS weer een eigen sessie. 

Hieronder vindt u het programma. We ontmoeten u graag daar!

EMAS Berlijn Dutch Menopause Society Symposium

Date: 15.05.2019

Time: 08:00-09:00

Room: Helsinki 1

Title of the Symposium: New research results from The Netherlands

Chairs: Dorenda van Dijken, gynaecologist, President of the Dutch Menopause Society

Nadine Daan, gynaecologist in training, Board member of the Dutch Menopause Society

Speakers:  Marlise Gunning PhD, gynaecologist in training 

Title: Cardiovascular profile in middle-aged women with POI

Henk Oosterhof, gynaecologist

Title: Elderly working women, what doctors should know

Paula Mommersteeg, biologist, PhD, assistant professor

Title: Psychological stress in (pre)menopausal women with cardiovacular disease.